The {S} Family, Expecting a Miracle | Phoenix Maternity & Family Photographer

These in love, and expecting their first child.  A miracle.  A long awaited baby girl.  There have been years of longing, of tears and frustrations, and hopes for a baby.   I still remember receiving the text from my sister.  Her best friend was pregnant! I knew from past conversations how much this meant to my sister and I cried tears of joy with her! I was honored to be asked to capture these photos for this family.  I knew how long they have waited, and she was worth the wait!!

I love being able to photograph maternity sessions.  There is a joy that cannot be explained when you have a little person growing inside of you.  The anticipation, the hopes and dreams....and the fact that you are so in love with this little one and you have not even met them yet.  People always say that pregnant women have a glow.  And I agree.  I had a hard time not crying while watching Tasha lovingly caressing her belly, knowing how much she has gone through to get here.  I am so thankful for this little life.   I cannot wait to meet baby Emry and share all of her cuteness with you guys!! I mean, look at her parents....she is going to be the most beautiful baby girl!! Until then, here is her beautiful mother and father! Congratulations again {S} family!!